Grandparents Day

Pope Francis has instituted The world Day of Prayer for Grandparents and the Elderly
God wants us to bring joy to the hearts of the elderly. That was certainly in abundance in Ferrybank as generations came together to celebrate this special day, on the Feast of Sts. Joachim and Anne, grandparents of Jesus.

“On this Fourth World Day devoted to them, let us show our tender love for the grandparents and the elderly members of our families. Let us spend time with those who are disheartened and no longer hope in the possibility of a different future. In place of the self-centred attitude that leads to loneliness and abandonment, let us instead show the open heart and the joyful face of men and women who have the courage to say “I will not abandon you”, and to set out on a different path.

To all of you, dear grandparents and elderly persons, and to all those who are close to you I send my blessing, accompanied by my prayers. And I ask you, please, not to forget to pray for me.”  Pope Francis